Live in the Now

Weather Now — Check your weather from where you spend the most time, the web browser

Gabriel G Baciu


While always in search for simplicity and elegance in things, I’ve thought to add my own contribution by building a weather Chrome extension.

It’s called Weather Now because it is only displaying the weather at the moment you ask for it.

The UI is crazy simple, but don’t let yourself be tricked, it was fairly complex to build.

The engine behind this widget is Backbone with persistence from The data is coming from OpenWeather API (, formatted as JSONP.

The Chrome app is free and the source code is on GitHub for your code reading pleasure. And I welcome any extension improvements.

The Chrome app can be found here:

I hope you’ll enjoy using it as much as I did building it.



Gabriel G Baciu

Software engineer, leader, entrepreneur, lately focusing on the science of leadership and success, healthy living, and low latency software systems.